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The best decision you will ever make

By Andrew B Morris

Being in the right frame of mind is critical in any decision-making process. There’s no point jumping into a decision if you cannot do so from an unbiased and detached perspective. So before you make any big decisions in either your personal or professional life, it’s a good idea to consider your goals first. Once you have this clarity, you can get on with making the most appropriate and relevant decisions to help you to achieve these.

Andrew B Morris

Andrew B Morris

1. Firstly, Find a Quiet Place and give yourself the time and space, without distraction to be reflective and relaxed in considering your goals.

2. Engage both Head and Heart– Capture all the things you want to BE, Do and Have. For example, I want to Be more fulfilled; I have to advance my career: I want to HAVE a new home. Against each goal, say whey this is really important to you, and also consider the consequences of not achieving the goal.

3. Decide What’s Important and ask yourself “WHAT’S MISSING IN MY LIFE” For example: family; friendships; relationships; partner; career; financial; physical well-being; emotional well-being. Rank these in order of importance.

4. Set a Time Horizon: divide your goals into groups

  • On-going goals needing daily attention
  • Short-term goals to achieve within a month or so
  • Medium term goals which will take up to a year to achieve
  • Long term goals that will take longer than a year

5. What Will I Need To Get There? Consider the support and resources you will require to achieve your goals and who you might share this with to keep you on track. Make a list of key decisions you need to make.

6. Think `Smarter`:  ensure your goals are Specific, Motivational, Attainable, Relevant, Trackable, Enjoyable, Rewarding. You need to stretch yourself whilst being realistic about your power and control to achieve. Also, don’t handicap your chances of success by having too many goals – you should be able to recall your goals without having to look at a list.

7. Personal+Corporate:  these need to compliment, not conflict, so that work/life balance is in harmony. For example, a goal to be more hands-on with the Far East might well clash with a goal to spending more quality time with your family.

8. Do The Rocking Chair Test:  now sit back and notice how these goals feel, visualise yourself achieving what you have set down, amending if the goals you have set don’t feel right or don’t excite you.

Now get on with it!

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