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Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’

Don’t Get Lost in the Social Media Fog

– By Matt Hodkinson Why aren’t social media and the bottom line bosom buddies in your business?  It seems that ‘social media’ continues to be little more than a buzz word in many businesses today, despite the fad status being well-and-truly dismissed, and a myriad of digital platforms elbowing their way into our daily lives, as […]

Email Campaigns that Really Work

– By Ben Teggin Email Marketing is one of the most powerful and personal ways of connecting with your customers and prospects and can be integrated with your social media marketing more generally. Making sure your message stands out from everyone else is the most important thing. Here are a few tips to help you: Segment […]

Case Study: 80 Prospects to an Event & Nine New Clients Using LinkedIn

Question: How do you get 80 interested people into one room and translate nine of them directly into clients? Answer: According to Neil Driver, a partner at accountants Davis Grant, the answer is a social media lead generation campaign on LinkedIn. The Objective: Davis Grant wanted to leverage their presence in the growing online business […]

It’s Time to be Sociable

By Euan Semple Use the word “social” in many business circles and the first reaction is “what has being social got to do with business”. Add the word “media” to it and Social Media brings to mind stories of youthful indiscretion on Facebook or businesses being mauled by angry customers on Twitter. Why on earth would […]

Connected and Responsive – the Social Media Leader

By Phil Jones A common characteristic of successful leaders is their unrelenting thirst for learning. They have minds that are open to everything and closed to nothing, inhaling copious quantities of new information to refine/define who they really are. They are also passionate about people and their customers, taking every opportunity to interrogate how the […]