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Posts from ‘September, 2010’

Clearing the decks for Thought Leadership by Brian Chernett

When I think of thought leadership, I think of a guru or swami. They are very much of this world but able to detach and operate above the noise and clutter when they want to. I know that calling a CEO or entrepreneur a guru is not always welcomed but the process they can use […]

What’s in a name? by Sue Knight

A thin strip of dusty road cuts its way through the coconut palms between the warm waters of the Arabian Sea and the magical Keralan backwaters. This road is busy with water trucks, fishermen, bike riding villagers shouting their wares, three wheeled yellow and black autos, farmers leading their tethered cows to fresher fields, taxi […]

Don’t Stand Up – Stand Out! by Phil Jesson

Many companies that claim to be “thought leaders” with a highly differentiated offering are nothing of the sort. A little scrutiny reveals that they are often “me-too” companies with a “we are one of many” and “we are no better or no worse than anyone else” message. So what is it that allows a company […]

Some only need it. Others really want it. by Derek Williams

Derek Williams, Founder and Chief Executive of The WOW! Awards shares some thoughts on great service. Losing weight, giving up smoking, getting a better education, getting a better job. Some people only need it. Others really want it. And so it is with customer service. Some organisations really need to give better service. Their customers […]

Thought Leadership – Thinking and Communicating by David Walter, First Take Ltd

When I worked at the BBC, there was a senior executive who was famously silent and uncommunicative. It was rumoured that when he applied for a yet more exalted position at the Corporation, a member of the interviewing board asked him how he planned to convey his ideas to his staff. “Osmosis”, he is said […]