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Posts Tagged ‘team building’

Leadership Happy Families

– By Mark Katz Have you ever wondered why Manchester United win so often or why Google and Facebook grew to be the largest companies in the world in such a short period of time? Timing, luck and great ideas all play their part, but first and foremost, all three owe their success to their […]

How to increase buy-in and ownership amongst teams – by Peter Pritchett

This month Directors Forum Group 2 enjoyed a lively and inspirational session from Mark Fritz on “Why you Never wash a Rental Car“.  Actually, the session is all about leadership – and in particular, how to increase buy-in and ownership amongst teams. An overall score of 9.1 and strong commitments to follow-up actions indicate that […]

Encouraging a Proactive Attitude

The Academy for Chief Executives, a leading provider of experiential business learning® facilitates groups of CEOs and Managing Directors who meet together every month to network and take full advantage of experiential learning. Part of membership involves members taking their issues to the table and discussing them with their peers. At a recent meeting, one […]