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How Lego Can Help Solve Business Issues

Alan BranaghAlan Branagh (pictured, right) presented his workshop in which he introduces Lego SeriousPlayTM to members of The Academy for Chief Executives experiential business learning® groups this month. Alan explained that he originally discovered Lego SeriousPlayTM when he was searching for a tool to help with collaboration cross-function across organisations. 

Lego SeriousPlayTM

Lego SeriousPlayTM

The use of story-telling, metaphor and play are utilised to represent strategy or key factors affecting a business in 3 dimensions. “Those factors may be relationships or perhaps something that could happen, but hasn’t happened yet.” Alan explained, “It gives you a deeper insight into your business.”  

The main points that MD and CEO members took away were many and varied – demonstrating how well this day teases out different things for different people. The most frequently mentioned were:

  • Recognition of different perspectives
  • Thinking differently
  • Enabling greater focus
  • Facilitating emotional detachment from own ideas and emotional engagement of others
  • Challenging continuously
  • Allowing creative problem solving

Members’ positive feedback was reflected in their scores – the highest rating for a speaker on our programme so far!

Jane Hunt“Using lego to run our ‘Board You Could Never Afford®’ session provided real engagement in the process which ultimately led to practical solutions to business issues.”

Jane Hunt,
Chairman, Academy Group ECHG 01

The Academy for Chief Executives, a leading provider of experiential business learning® facilitates peer groups of CEOs and Managing Directors who meet together every month to network and take full advantage of experiential learning. To hear great speakers like this every month and engage in The Board You Could Never Afford®, or to find a local group near you, visit

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